
Jonas Brothers

If you all haven't noticed don't like Rupert anymore, I have a new love, but this time there is three of them. They are the Jonas Brothers. I like Joe. He is Cute. So is Nick.

On this ever so lovely picture you see the ever so cute JoBros,

from left to right, Kevin (20), Nick (15), Joe (18)


Suzy-Q said...

Me thinks me girl is boy crazy!!

You come by it natural honey....

Carly said...


Whistle Britches said...

yes, the Honas bros. are cool..

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting about your template issues, I forgot what you wanted on it, some flag or something? drop me a line

Leslee said...

Are they really that old? Dang. And I thought Joe was the oldest. Tell how close of attention I pay to the Jobros.