
Why is this frog smiling?

This frog has a secret, waht do you think it is?


Jenn said...

he knows pretty soon you're going to smell something.

Carly said...

I'm not going to tell the answer until mre people guess! :o)

Carly said...

The mre is supposted to be more.

eyes_only4him said...

i came over via suzie..

lets see the frog is either sayin,
"stop looking at me u freaks" or " the rabbit died"...if u know what I mean..


eyes_only4him said...

ok, depending on how old you are the rabbit did not die..

i thought u were older, but now I think your kind of young, so maybe the frog is saying you got an A on your mathe test:)...what do I win???

Carly said...
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Suzy-Q said...

I know Susie already won, but I wanted to guess to CJ!

I think he is happy because now he is famous for being on your blog...you are a princess after all!