
My stapler hates me and I hate my stapler.

Yesterday at school I was playing with a stapler that Ok Slicks wife gave me, there was a staple stuck in it and I was trying to get it out, So I pushed the stapler down and stapled my thumb. Earlier that day I stapled another finger but it didn't go in that far. Thats why I hate my stapler. Do you hate yours?


Whistle Britches said...

Yes I hate staplers too.
You know I did the same thing when I was in the fifth grade.

Suzy-Q said...

The other day i was messing with my stapler while listening to Slick tell a story. The staple got stuck and when I pushed on it, it stapled my finger. Slick just looked at me and didn't even offer to get me a bandaid. He is such a meanie!

Whistle Britches said...

The recurring theme here is Okslick. don't use staplers that he has breathed on.

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